We may have landed men on the moon, can fly faster than the speed of sound and transplant a human heart, but can we effectively rise to the challenge of issues such as climate change or conflict? Edward de Bono, Professor of Thinking at five different universities, argues that to do so we need to improve our perceptions in human affairs, which has been neglected.
Think! Before It’s Too Late takes a critical look at our highly advanced technological age, where we search immediately for answers rather than think about them – leading to thinking that is reactive rather than deliberate – and advances a plethora of ideas to strengthen our ability to think differently. He even finds time to suggest a 21st-century alternative rallying cry for a culture underpinned by Descartes famous words, Cogito, ergo sum – I think therefore I am: Ago, ergo, erigo – I act, therefore I construct. Now in his 80s, his 83rd publication is another thought-provoking addition to de Bono’s canon.
Think! Before It’s Too Late by Edward de Bono (Vermilion) £12.99