SublimeTV Series Award Nomination

Written by

Jacopo Artolli

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NewsSubTV Travel
SublimeTV documentary series, WHERE NEXT?, has been shortlisted for the best documentary in the climate change and sustainability category at the New York Festivals TV & Film Awards.

Whilst everyone was confined to their own home during the COVID-19 pandemic, the awareness of tourism’s impact on our environment saw a dramatic surge. With more time on their hands than ever, travellers began to realise the burden that our traditional model of tourism is placing on popular destinations and their respective communities.

Sublime Magazine has partnered up with Sustainable Travel International and Zinc Communicate to create an immersive short-form documentary series, WHERE NEXT? This project is available on new streaming platform S U B L I M E T V and takes viewers on a unique and life-changing journey.

Exploring sustainability initiatives that are transforming tourism across the world, this 16 part series uses high-end cinematography to showcase different destinations and organisations each episode. From the sandy beaches of Barbados, to the urban heart of Norway, WHERE NEXT? brings to life uplifting stories of conservation, regeneration, inclusion, empowerment and resilience.

Sustainable Travel CEO Paloma Zapata was keen to highlight the role that ecotourism plays into this all-new documentary series:

This series aims to captivate and inspire viewers to take action within their own lives or professional roles to further sustainable travel. Over the past two years, people spent a lot of time looking back on the harmful effects of tourism and everything that’s gone wrong. Now is the time to look forward and as we do so, it is more important than ever to be telling powerful, uplifting stories that encapsulate the positive side of tourism.”

This cinematographic project has quickly been recognised for its valiant effort to bring positive change to our environment. It has been shortlisted for the best documentary in the climate change and sustainability category at the New York Festivals Film & TV Awards.

“It has been an incredible journey producing this series – we’ve captured stories from all around the world, filming with the passionate people at the forefront of this inspiring movement,” said Elizabeth Fisher-Robins, Director of Film at Zinc Media Group and the series’ Executive Producer. “But the hard work isn’t over yet, it’s up to us all to come together to change the way people travel responsibly for generations to come.”

New York Festivals Film & TV Awards honour content in all lengths and forms across 50 different countries. Embracing all aspects of the television and film industries, with different categories that acknowledge current trends and aim inspire the next generation of story-tellers. Stay tuned for updates on the winners’ announcement on April 18th

Watch all the episodes S U B L I M E T V

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