We sometimes make the mistake of believing that we have seen it all now. However, an epic adventure a year ago has destroyed this assumption, and some other things we claimed to have known.
This film attempts to tell the journey of that (re-)discovery. Alongside pals from Vroomie, Wow Tapes team traveled on a bus throughout Costa Rica’s untouched gems of rainforests, beaches, volcanoes, waterfalls – all of which are home to a diversity of natural wildlife. Like any other paradise, we are left in awe with the alluring beauty of its nature, people and culture.
But Costa Rica awashed upon us another kind of profound magic, one that perplexed us, at the same time brought us a sense of oneness. (Deep inside, we recognize that this experience can never be justified, but the mystery still beckons to be told.) The Nameless Call is an ode to the awakening of the mostly forgotten but perpetually calling sacred relationship between nature and humans.