A Wilder Future

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Photo by Niklas Hamann
The Wildlife Trusts have released a new short film featuring Sir David Attenborough. In it, Attenborough addresses the climate emergency issue and urges a larger focus on the restoration and regeneration of wildlife in order to see real progress.

Let Nature Help Fight Climate Change short film has been released to coincide with the COP26 summit. Running this week from the 31st of October to the 12th of November, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) is set to reunite over 190 countries to come together in the fight against the climate crisis.

Hosted by the UK, who currently holds the presidency, and in collaboration with Italy, the summit will serve one major purpose: to find a common ground in order to tackle the ongoing effects of climate change.

According to the official COP26 website, the top priorities and initiatives to be covered are:

1-Reach global net zero by 2050 and keep 1.5 degrees within reach.
2-Adapt to protect communities and habitats from further devastation caused by climate change.
3-Mobilise finance to invest $100 billion in climate finance per year.
4-Finalise the Paris Rulebook from the Paris Agreement to be able to take action by collaborating together as governments, businesses and citizens.

The time is now to create a wilder future
Sir David Attenborough

The Wildlife Trusts are an independant charity organisation that have had the same ethos at the very core of their mission since their foundation in 1912: to protect and restore wildlife and its natural habitats and species heading towards extinction.

Why nature needs to be high on the agenda at COP26

The special COP26 edition of our nature-based solutions report, Let Nature Help, explains how climate change is driving nature’s decline, whilst the loss of wildlife and habitats leaves us ill-equipped to reduce emissions and adapt to a changing world.

By 2030, The Wildlife Trusts aim to have restored one third of UK land and sea-based wildlife – also known as their ‘30 By 30’ campaign – a feat that would not only greatly benefit ecosystems and contribute to the battle against climate change, but would also secure a healthier, wilder future for generations to come. To achieve this, the Trusts take natural reserves under their wing, to protect and nurture them – as of 2025, over 2,300 nature reserves find themselves under the umbrella of protected habitats.

The Trusts also increase awareness on wildlife protection through the use of events, volunteering opportunities and training, as well as collaborating and cooperating with surrounding communities.

The Wildlife Trusts believe that COP26 is an opportunity for the UK to show true leadership in its mission to reach zero net on a global level, by taking accountability for the damage they may have caused on a climate level and by helping smaller communities who are paying for it; by investing into nature and climate-based solutions; and by instauring national policies which would keep the earth’s temperature from going over 1.5 degrees.

Sir David Attenborough has been a supporter of the Wildlife Trusts for over 50 years, and currently resides as President Emeritus of the foundation; it was therefore only fitting that he be chosen to partake in the creation of the film. “Sir David has been a staunch advocate for nature for his entire life and his influence spans countries and generations,” says Joan Edwards, director of policy for The Wildlife Trusts. “We certainly hope that delegates at COP26 listen to his and our concerns about the linked nature and climate crises and make the right decisions at this critical time. It is fundamental that, as well as virtually eliminating emissions, at least 30% of land and sea is protected for nature by the end of this decade. We need to see much greater investment and ambition to restore and connect wild places – all our futures depend on it.”

Watch Let nature help fight climate change in the short film below.

To learn more about COP26, visit The Wildlife Trusts

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