Some businesses took the decision to implement remote working for their staff until further notice. This in itself will involve certain adaptability. It’s a vital step, especially if you’re unaware that you’ve come into contact with someone that could be carrying COVID-19/Coronavirus.
This idea has some people fretting though. “What do you do for days without going out and socialising with people?” Truth is, social distancing is a great opportunity to finally get round to doing all those me-time activities you often set aside in favour of going out.
It’s also worth understanding the difference between the three; isolation is where ill people are separated from those who are healthy. Quarantine is where you separate and restrict the movement of well people who may have come into contact with with said illness to see if they too become ill. Meanwhile, social distancing is deliberately increasing the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness. Aside from the ‘Quarantine and chill’ memes, there are loads of activities you can do that don’t involve a screen.
Catch up on some reading
Social distancing is a great excuse to get through that reading list that’s been piling up. If you’re not much of a reader, there are loads of recommendations online. Getting lost in a fictional world that doesn’t revolve around Coronavirus sounds like a great idea right about now, so grab a few books and settle in.
Start journaling
This kind of crisis really shows us the difference between selfishness and selflessness. It puts a lot of things that we take for granted into perspective. It’s no surprise but journaling is something I try to do every day and have found it to be a really good habit to adopt. It encourages self-reflection, gratitude and allows you to keep up with any goals you’re working towards.
Indulge in your hobbies
What do you love to do but never have the time to do? For me it’s calligraphy. For others, it might be knitting, scrapbooking, painting or playing an instrument. Take the time to lean into what makes you happy and enjoy the satisfaction that brings. A friend of mine is throwing it back to childhood classics and ordered some challenging jigsaw puzzles!
Don’t forget your self-care
Whatever your idea of self-care looks like, you should definitely incorporate this into your social distancing time. It could be a lengthy home pamper, spring cleaning or just having a lazy day. It’s a great way to get your mind off the stress for a little. I always enjoy organising my makeup – weird I know. Consider your mental health as well and do things to support that like meditating or activities like mindful colouring, which I have tried and absolutely love.
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Spring clean
If you’ve been meaning to sort through and organise your clothes, makeup or random bits and bobs, this is a good time to have the ultimate spring clean. Separate items into piles to either donate, recycle or bin. Marie Claire has a great article on how to recycle beauty products so that they don’t mindlessly end up in landfill.
Adapt your exercise regime
Gyms are apparently a high-risk place for spreading COVID-19 so while you’re at home, adapt your exercise regime. Try following some yoga on YouTube or do more bodyweight exercises if you’re looking to build more muscle.
Work on that big idea
Have you been wanting to start your own business or side hustle? Now is the time to do just that! Use this downtime to refine ideas, do your research and put your plan into action. Teaming up with a friend? Schedule virtual meetings and don’t let the need to stay indoors stop you from making some serious progress.
Spend time with your family
If you’re socially distancing but live at home with your family, this is a great chance to just spend quality time with them. Whether you’re sharing a meal around the table, watching TV/films or collectively working together on chores/home projects, it’s time you’ll never get back and is a great alternative to when it’s been advised that we should stay away from bars, pubs and restaurants.
About the author: Safeera Sarjoo is a London based journalist, covering a variety of topics and issues within the sustainability umbrella. Visit Safeera’s blog :
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