A Greener Environment

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This system was created by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) to properly evaluate the environmental efficiency of buildings while offering a reliable, universal standard to which architects can refer when creating a sustainable design. To discover a few of the most notable structures based on these federal standards, consider the following The Aqua TowerThis system was created by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) to properly evaluate the environmental efficiency of buildings while offering a reliable, universal standard to which architects can refer when creating a sustainable design. To discover a few of the most notable structures based on these federal standards, consider the following.

The Aqua Tower
The city of Chicago has always been on the cutting edge of environmental friendliness, and recently the city erected one of the largest green buildings in the world—the Aqua tower skyscraper. As its name implies, the building gives off a very fluid appearance with its prominent curved balconies. However, this natural theme isn’t just present in the building’s style, but in structure as well. These prominent balconies offer increased shade to the areas below, which reduces the exertion on cooling system in the warmer months. Energy-efficient lighting and an innovative rainwater collection system also add to the eco-friendliness of the design, which goes above and beyond LEED standards.

Vancouver Convention Center
The Vancouver Convention Center recently acted as an environmentally efficient venue for the World Urban Forum 3, which has maintained such a strong devotion to sustainability that it recently earned the Four Star Meet Green Certification for excellence in green meeting practices. The center recycles an average of 180,000 kilograms of materials each year, which accounts for almost half the waste the Center produces. In addition to practicing environmentally efficient living, the structure itself features an exceptionally green design; a six-acre roof provides a home to thousands of indigenous plants and even irrigates rainwater, complimented with a seawater heating and cooling system.

NASA’s Sustainability Base
It says it all in the name. NASA’s Sustainability Base is specially designed to provide exceptional shelter for inhabitants, while ensuring virtually limitless access to the natural world around it. Within the building, anyone can utilize natural light and breathe fresh air to limit energy consumption and enjoy a more refreshing feeling. The base is designed and constructed according to LEED Platinum standards, and is built only from materials that benefit inhabitants’ health, rather than those with detrimental side effects. Composed by innovative NASA engineers, the 50,000 square-foot building features the same materials and technology used for space travel and exploration.
Considering the huge amounts of energy consumed by the average non-green commercial buildings across the world today, the innovative new structures listed above can have a dramatic impact on the sustainability of our environment on Eart. Using the LEED system as a guide and applying a little innovation to the precess can help keep our world greener, which is essential for progression in the long run. 

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