Focus on… Organic Authority

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Co-founder and editor-in-chief Laura Klein (pictured) knows a thing or two about food. A trained chef with roots in the organic food movement, she has worked hard on shaking the ‘hippy’ image normally associated with healthy eating, green living and indeed the word organic – granola anyone?laura-klein-hip

Along with her Husband John Klein, CTO and contributing writer, they have made the organic lifestyle seem achievable and more desirable than daunting. No mean feat! As well as offering its readers regular recipes, it also keeps them abreast of everything happening in the food industry – if you want to know exactly what’s in your food then this is the site for you.

With all the breaking news when it comes to nutrition and one of the most comprehensive beauty sections we’ve yet to encounter, Organic Authority, offers something for newbies as well as the hardened Organic enthusiast. We love their bright, airy approach and can’t get enough of their helpful videos either, most of which are presented by Klein herself.

Of course,  no site would be complete without a blog and Organic Authority’s is a goodun, with hard hitting posts that break down otherwise complicated issues and making them super accessible. Regularly updated it perfectly complements their relaxed and yet forthright style.

Complete with a mission statement to match, their wholly organic ethos encompasses everything they’re passionate about and certainly gives us food for thought…

‘We believe that implementing small fundamental changes in the choices we make everyday will have a large impact on the future of healthy families around the world and protect Mother Earth for generations to come’

We couldn’t have put it better ourselves.


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