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Book Reviews

The BLDGBLOG BookIn his brilliantly executed blog BLDGBLOG, begun in 2004 and read by millions, Geoff Manaugh decided to write only about the things that invigorated him: archaeology, astronomy, underground cities, J. G. Ballard and H. G. Wells, William Blake and James Bond, Celtic burial mounds, Mars, climate change, future landscapes, weather, Homer, sound, among others – relating each subject back, in the manner of the game Six Degrees of Separation to the built environment, ‘the frame through which our experiences are filtered’.

The BLDGBLOG Book takes those threads and extends them, weaving in clusters of smaller entries and interviews, to create a wonderful tapestry of images, facts, cultural references, anecdotes and history, all interfused with Manaugh’s compelling point of view.

Free from academic rigour, imaginative and playful in its juxtapositions, The BLDGBLOG Book demonstrates that architecture is not limited to buildings, is everywhere and involves everything, and can be used to tell stories. More than that, Manaugh deconstructs and reinvents the subject in a way that is both breathtaking and immediately digestible. A stunning book.

The BLDG Blog Book by Geoff Manaugh (Chronicle Books) £16.99 

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