The digital era has encouraged us to mistake data for information and to trade information as though it is knowledge. The rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence has made things worse. Universities all too easily compound these confusions when the spontaneous and embodied act of learning is compromised by academic standards of ‘rigour’ and fairness. What we need is a new definition of wisdom.
Posts by John Wood
Bikes & Biodiversities
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Why do we prefer to count things, rather than combining them? Synergy is the free bonus we get when we combine things in the right way, so why is it missing from the academic curriculum? The answer relates to money. By adding things up we pretend we are creating profit. Money became a synergy-free zone because we designed it to avoid dispute. But all is not lost. The synergies within ecosystems can inspire us to design better worlds.
Shaming Fast Fashion
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What can we do about fast fashion, given its profit margins and popularity? Could the fashion system deliver greener fun if it were to develop its more performative side? Community workshops might, for example, up-cycle and co-design fabrics in order to create local fashions and brands. After all, the process of dressing up before a party can deliver cheaper dopamine hits than any impulse-buy.
Legacy Conservation
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The coronation showed how britain still leads the world in the heritage game. indeed, pride in our ‘conservation areas’ has saved many beautiful buildings. john wood reminds us that we need to conserve the things that really matter. he says it is time to switch from ‘heritage conservation’ to ‘legacy conservation’.
Planning – from conservation to regeneration
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In a ‘heritage culture’, transitioning from ‘sustaining’ to ‘regenerating’ may seem odd John Wood outlines a planning framework designed for long-haul futures.
Beyond Conservation
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In a climate emergency, should planners focus more on Futures – ‘renewal’ and ‘regeneration’ – than on Histories – ‘conservation’ and ‘heritage’?
Beyond the Circle
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The Caring Economy
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Time to Switch
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In a gentle way, the title of Naomi Klein’s book ‘This Changes Everything’ reminds us that everything must change. But changing course is hard in a strong headwind. To make the change less painful it is best to wait until wind drops.