Five years making a magazine
Small revolution, or better said
An evolution of ideas
Inspiring us to change the world
Unheard of in the industry
Admired by the media
The real deal, another voice
The only voice, you could say
Ethics and aesthetics here
Values, yes, and beauty
From peaking oil to highest heels
Connecting thoughts
Our one transition duty
New generation of concepts make
The establishment shake
The forgotten, and the dispossessed
Another day of discontent
Our human nature, imperfect
Profound images of glory
Sharp, and crystal clear, a story
Stop consuming! There is another day
Start producing! In a sustainable way
Together – we all have a say
Brothers, sisters the human nation
Wars won’t work, they only get
to complicate the situation
Shapes and lines, new songs of life
Are what we want to feel and touch
Dreams of what we are yet not
Reflections of a better world
And what we hope will reach
Us all in what we pray one day will be
A brighter time. For us, we love it all
The stuff that makes our lives
Laura and Damian Santamaria
Editorial Directors