If you find these facts food for thought, then read on. With allotments and green spaces never so popular, seasonal and local produce the order of the day and a healthy nostalgia for growing heirloom vegetables in vogue, A Potted History of Vegetables captures something of a zeitgeist. Reacquainting the reader with the origins, nature and peculiarities of the world’s produce, and combining beautiful reproductions of the finest 19th-century botanical illustrations with a miscellany of interesting, quirky facts and amazing histories, this title soon immerses you in the wonderful world of vegetables.
A Potted History of Vegetables made me want to embrace cooking and tuck in to a wide array of seasonal fare. A delicious cornucopia, information is potted tightly, including such essentials as Latin names, vegetable families and countries of origin, making this the ideal gift for gardener, chef or eco-warrior. Not yet published, this comes highly recommended.
A Potted History of Vegetables Lorraine Harrison (Ivy Press) £9.99